Beam Precession in EELS & EDX spectroscopy enhance the signal reducing channeling effects. Automated quantification with statistical error analysis is available. Multiple scattering derived from an automatically measured relative thickness.
CLICK HERE for proof of concept outlined by S. Estradé, et al., EELS signal enhancement by means of beam precession in the TEM, Ultramicroscopy (2012)
Requires presence of an EELS and/or EDX spectrometer
EELS quantification possible via TOPSPIN model-based EELS Quantification
Identify elements to quantify
Reduction of electron channeling in EDS using precession
Yifeng Liao, LaurenceD.Marks
Ultramicroscopy 126 (2013) 19–22
EELS signal enhancement by means of beam precession
in the TEM
Sonia Estrade, Joaquim Portillo, Lluis Yedra, Jose Manuel Rebled,
Francesca Peiro
Ultramicroscopy (2013)
Highly-automated EELS elemental analysis
Minimal user input required
Specify elements to quanitfy
Chemical shift of each elemental edge
Automated quantification with statistical error analysis
Multiple scattering derived from an automatically measured relative thickness
Elemental core-loss edges from several possible sources :
Theoretical : Hartree-Slater (Rez)
Experimental edges from reference materials
Intuitive workflow
Automated quantifications with statistical error analysis