In the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic situation, fast developments are needed, not only in vaccines, but also in analytical techniques to detect the infection, predict outcomes during hospitalization, and more important towards Long COVID. Successful development of diagnostic routines needs a large number of samples and spectroscopic data generated thereof as well as comprehensive metadata coverage.
Initiated by Bruker and under the guidance of the Australian National Phenome Center (ANPC) run by Prof. Jeremy Nicholson, a worldwide international COVID Research Network consisting of several institutions collaborate, using completely standardized NMR procedures producing spectral data, exchangeable and integrable across the Network. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy technology is a robust analysis technique that can provide a solution to the challenges of COVID-19 diagnosis and prediction based on metabolic changes caused by the virus once RUO results can be transferred into certified routines. In the webinar series, prominent members of the Network will present the advantage of exchanging data and their results along with detection, outcome prediction, and Long-COVID risks and monitoring.